Yup, its my blog. Where did the term "blog" come from?? I mean, if it was e-log, that may make sense, but b-log?? Im probably just wallowing in my ignorance by saying this!
Gilgad Drumheller's Articles In Blogging
February 12, 2004 by Gilgad Drumheller
Ok, first, where did the name blog come from? I mean, if it had been called like elogs, that would have made more sense, but blogs, where did that come from?? I found this site after downloading the "windows blinds" stuff, and just wondered what it was. Im not quite sure what it is even now. I mean, can you actually upload stuff to this site, so that you can have pictures that go with your articles? And like why am i even asking these questions, if even one person finds this site and r...