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Gilgad Drumheller
Yup, its my blog. Where did the term "blog" come from?? I mean, if it was e-log, that may make sense, but b-log?? Im probably just wallowing in my ignorance by saying this!
Runescape-2 Beta
Finally, the greatness of RS-2 is available to freebies!
Published on March 20, 2004 By
Gilgad Drumheller
I wonder how many Runescape users there are on this site. You others probably do not know what I am talking about. Go here
to find out. Anyway the Beta is great, the graphics are incomparable. No wonder its been years that they have been working on this! There is now a new skill, runecrafting, which is available to freebies. This lets you make runes. They should also make fleching a freebie skill, cus it would balance out the fact that being a archer is hard. But archery has made advances. With the introduction of multiple combat zones and advantages against mages, it is much, much more worth your time. The only problem is that the bumped off its advantage to against mages, when fighters are the most likely to find. Alas, maybe freebies will get better bows or something!
You really need to check it out!
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crazy llama 69
on Mar 20, 2004
oh ya once i had a beta fish, it was soo cute i names it fluffy! i kept it in my locker with my friends fish! man those little guys got so mutated! they were my babies!
1st mate
Crazy llama 96
on Mar 20, 2004
mmmmmmmmmmm, freebies. Do they taste like pancakes?
Aunt Jamima
on Mar 21, 2004
I played the original runescape. Is this beta free?
Gilgad Drumheller
on Mar 26, 2004
oh, yea, its free. In the beginining it was only for members, but they resently expanded it for all people. Soon the final relese will be comming out
Gilgad Drumheller
on Apr 01, 2004
final release of RS2 out, dunno whether to make a new article, or what
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